Finding Out What’s Possible In Your Life!

Looking at life, I have come to the belief that everything we will ever be has already been placed within us sometime before our birth. Some time ago, I watched a National Geographic presentation that explained what was inside of us while we were still fetuses. It was simply amazing to realize what was so present inside us even before we were even born and all the possibilities we have to be champions in many ways of life. Inside a baby girl the show went on to say, is every egg that can be used to produce a child and it is in her while she still is a fetus. This tells me that our Creator has wonderful plans for each of us well before we are even born.

The big catch to all of this is that it is up to us to get these seeds of greatness out of us and planted into our lives. Whatever we can pull out from within and sow will reap us great benefits if we sow the right seed. That’s where I firmly believe without a shadow of a doubt that there is by design a champion waiting to be discovered in each and every one of us.

We need to invest in ourselves to get the best out of ourselves. I remember some time ago watching a TV show called The Beverly Hillbillies… a show where the dad was shooting at a rabbit when he shot into the ground and some oil started to flow out and they became instantly rich, and moved to Beverly Hills. Our lives are much like that, we need to take some shots at life and see what riches can flow!

Successful lives are by design… to become a Champion you need to design a blueprint for your life. Everything in life needs to have some sort of structure for it to come into existence. By knowing what you want and putting a structured plan together puts you in the 3% group. Only 3% of people actually take the time to write down a plan and follow it. I once read where at college commencements where the students were told to write goals down and follow them if they wanted to find success. After 10 years, they had a class reunion where they were asked if they actually followed this advice and to see what had become of their lives. It was revealed that only 3% of the people truly followed this advice and those 3% were actually making more money than the 97% combined. This really spoke to me and I hope that it speaks to you!

About a year or two ago, I was speaking a message to a group of people about where the most expensive real estate in the world is. To try to make my point stick I asked them all to get up and follow me and that I was going to show them where this real estate was. We marched out of the building on a nice sunny warm day, across the street and into a CEMETARY, where I told them that it was HERE that the most expensive real estate lies. For it was here that so many dreams and ideas were buried having never been given the opportunity to be ALIVE and prosper. It was here that potential Champions were buried never to be the people they could have been, simply because they never took the time to place structure in their lives and follow a plan.

To become the Champions that our Creator has planned us to be, we must understand that it is the little things in life that truly matter. When we take care of the little things the big things take care of themselves. Our simple actions overtime will determine the life we are going to live. The thing we need to do is to choose the proper actions we need to take, remembering that we are where we are today by the actions we have taken yesterday and the days before… if you want to become something greater than you are, you will need to make different choices to take different actions.

One of the greatest assets and one of the greatest hindrances to becoming a champion is your attitude. Your attitude is everything and it separates the best from the rest. I get a lot of people who are looking for the edge in becoming successful and the direction I give them is developing the proper attitude. It is your attitude that directly creates your actions and it is actions that will lead you to success!

Another way to release the Champion in you is to work on your thought process… for as a man thinks so is he. The way you think of yourself allows your outer world to conform to making you just that. A student will think that they are a lawyer and their outer world will work towards making them one. It’s a process that starts with your philosophy which determines your attitude, which determines your actions, which allows you to be the Champion you were designed to be, which will determine your destiny in the future.

By working this process, you will find yourself developing the right habits which can be so powerful in living the life you want to live. The 90% of everything we do is because of habits we have obtained. The interesting part about this is that when we were born, we had virtually no habits… these were all obtained after we were born and can be changed at any time if needed. Habits are formed when the thought process in the conscious mind and the action taken get transferred though the process of repetition to the sub conscious mind. Once it is embedded into the subconscious mind it becomes automatic and if it is the right habits this is where life gets easier… you don’t have to think about doing the right thing, you just do it. Champions have control over their lives and good habits can put you into the driver’s seat of success.

As a Champion, you will understand the benefits of the fact that you are always learning. There is a treasure house of potential lying within, that your continued learning will tap into. You will just know that you will never be the same because you will never stop moving… you either cone to improve or you go backwards… there is no middle ground. The beauty of this is that where your attention goes, energy flows and results will show!

Being uncomfortable will be your friend for that will be the only time you will find yourself growing. To become the Champion, you have to become comfortable being uncomfortable for a period of time. Knowing that if you are willing to do what is easy, life will be hard, but if you are willing to that which is hard, life can be easy. As a Champion, you will continue to grow.

You will be living with the understanding that there is no such thing as failure. Everything is seen as cause and effect and not seen as failure. The secret of success is failure and how it is handled… if you want to be successful fast you must be willing to double the rate of your failures. I read somewhere that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he successfully produced the light bulb. He had the makings of a true champion in life.

When it comes to problems, it is not about the size of the problem but rather the size of the person. As you build the Champion within you, the problem will never be the issue. Problems will just tell where it is that you need to change. No problem will ever be wasted unless you didn’t learn your lesson from it.

Now here we are as Champions… we have discovered that which is within us and developed a life that is virtually unstoppable. We are the warriors that are willing to fight for the best that life has to offer us. There becomes tremendous value in us for we are more than conquerors… we don’t run from issues but take them head on knowing that we are paving the way for many to follow. Our lives will be that of adventure, for we will never know just how much Champion is within us and will continue to pursue until our last breath. I am working to discover that Champion and I pray that you are too. Our world is crying out for champions.

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