Prepared For Eternity

Colossians 1:16 “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him for Him.”

The Call of God

“Your purpose will extend far beyond the few years you will spend on earth. You were made to last forever.”

Rick Warren

For thousands of years people have been struggling to find out just what their purpose is for being on this Earth. They want to find happiness and fulfillment, but most often they never do. So much of life just doesn’t seem to make sense. Even in my own life, when I was just a young man, I would find it somewhat depressing, to try and figure out, the WHYs of life.

Everything of greatness, possessions and success all have an end. I could be a millionaire a hundred times over and own homes all over the world, but nothing will last forever and someday it will all be over. It was hard for me to see what the importance of trying to gain things in life, just to give it all up.

Much of what people strive for seems insane, of what use or value is any of it. Is this some sort of cruel joke, that our Creator has played on us? To see all the hardships, that people have to go through or have gone through, what is the use of all this?

Unless, Unless, Unless, there is more to life than what most people see. I have been greatly blessed in life, for I have had many people speak things into me. From young on I had parents, teachers and many great people tell me things about life and the meaning of it. But these words were just like seeds, they needed time to germinate in my heart and soul.

Today, I have come to a place where I think I am understanding a few things about life that have me truly excited about the future and what it has instore for all of us. God does have a plan for all of us and has given me a wakeup call and has laid it on my heart to share with you what He is showing me at this time in my life.

First of all, we were all born by His purpose for His purpose. Our life’s purpose is much greater than our personal fulfillment or happiness. God’s purpose for us is more important than our families, careers or our wildest dreams. God wants us to be happy but this happiness will only come if we fulfill His purpose.

So much of our life is trying to find ourselves and fulfill our dreams in life without realizing that we are focusing in the wrong places. Finding one’s purpose has puzzled many for thousands of years. The truth of the matter is that when we focus on ourselves and our happiness, we are focusing in the wrong place. If you want to know why you are on this planet, you need to start with God.

There is only one manual given to us to help reveal our purpose in life and that is the Bible. The issues and struggles many have, is that they are putting together a life for themselves without even looking at the manual at all. Have you ever wondered just why God has preserved such a manual through all these years?

For us to know our part in this life, we need to understand what the designer has planned for us. I remember one-time when I was working on the job when a printer repairman left a part in the junk that was not needed anymore. I took that part with me and gave a talk on one Sunday morning before our church group asking them to identify the part and what it was used for.

I passed the part around to the whole church and you know what?

No one not even I knew what this part was used for and I still don’t know. I was the only one who knew it was used in a printer but that was as far as I could go with it. The point I made was that it is only the manufacturer or the repair man that knew what this part was needed for.

How can we possibly know what God has in plan for any of us without it being revealed by Him? Jesus said that He is the life, the truth and the way and there is no way to our Heavenly Father except through Him. It is He that is putting the pieces together and if we haven’t found His path, we are going nowhere. And I hate to say this, but I feel that many are on paths that are leading to nowhere.

So many find themselves climbing the ladder of life, not wanting to miss a single step, trying to be successful in whatever they are wanting to do, looking for that elusive happiness--only to find themselves with a ladder leaning on the wrong building. How sad is this?

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